Our medical clinic comes equipped with a 3D PET system.
25-35 MIN
Each patient scan lasts between 25-35 minutes, and the entire visit is completed within one hour.
Our office is fully staffed with expert nuclear technologists and medical staff.
What to Expect
✔️ Our team will ask questions about your medical history. Please be sure to report all medications you are taking.
✔️ You will be asked to lie down on a scanning table made especially for the PET camera.
✔️ Medication will be administered through an IV line in a vein in your arm. Small pads called electrodes will be placed on your chest so we can monitor the electrical activity of your heart throughout the study.
✔️ A small amount of a radiopharmaceutical will be given through your IV line. This lets the PET camera capture pictures of your heart.
Cardiac PET is considered the preferred test for the majority of patients who meet appropriate criteria for a chemical (pharmacological) stress imaging test.